How To Survive Menopause

Are you looking for answers about this most distressing of situations? Then join our online course, "How To Survive Menopause," and discover a transformative journey towards understanding and managing this phase of life. You will be empowered to take back your life and make positive decisions.

The course will give you valuable insights and practical strategies to navigate through menopause with confidence and grace. You are unique but you will soon say goodbye to the uncertainties and discomforts commonly associated with this transition and unlock the secrets to reclaiming control over your well-being.

Throughout the course, you will access a wealth of resources, expert guidance, and personalized tips tailored to your unique needs. Embrace each lesson at your own pace and witness the positive changes unfold in your life.

Don't let menopause dictate how you feel. Take the first step towards a happier and healthier you today. Join our community of like-minded individuals and let's embark on this transformative journey together.

35 Lessons

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Chapter 1. Understanding Menopause

A Few Words From Kathryn

A Few Words From Kathryn

My Story

Kathryn's Story

What is Menopause and When Does It all Begin?

What is Menopause and When Does It all Begin?

Signs and Symptoms of Menopause

Signs and Symptoms of Menopause

Common Menopause Myths

Common Menopause Myths

Perimenopause vs Menopause

Understanding Perimenopause and Menopause

Early Menopause

Understanding Early Menopause

Surgical Menopause: Surgi - What?

Surgical Menopause

Chapter 2. Common Challenges

Depression - The Crime of the Century!

Depression - The Crime of the Century!


Mood swings and Emotional Health

Mood swings and Emotional Health

Weight Gain

Menopause and Body Shape

Pelvic Floor - Use it Or Lose it!

Pelvic Floor - Use it or Lose It!



Sleep Disturbances

Sleep Disturbances

Managing Hot Flushes During the Night & Day

Managing Hot Flushes During the Night & Day

Dealing with Menopause at Home and at Work

Dealing with Menopause at Home and at Work

Chapter 3. The Pause Family

Meet The Pause Family

Meet The Pause Family















Chapter 4. Nutrition and Exercise

Looking After Your Diet During Menopause

The Importance of Vitamins & Diet

Importance of Physical Activity

Importance of Physical Activity

What Else Can I do to Look After Myself?

What Else Can I do to Look After Myself?

Chapter 5. What Can Help Me

Overview of HRT: The Biggest Scandal of the 21st Century!

Overview of HRT

Benefits & Risks of Taking HRT

Benefits & Risks of Taking HRT

The Importance of Vitamins

The Importance of Vitamins

Herbal Interventions

Herbal Interventions

Natural Supplements

Natural Supplements


This is NOT the End, Only the Beginning

This is NOT the End

About Kathryn Colas

About Kathryn Colas